Daphneleah feels blessed to have grown up in the dreamy sunshine and magic of the City of Angels. Every day, Los Angeles' people, beauty, nature areas and energy filled her heart and kept her alive. Rightness, anger, fear, and foreboding permeated the first two decades of Daphneleah's life. Divine love, self-love and remembering she is part of the Oneness healed her body, her mind, her heart and how she moves in the world. Divinity continues to reveal itself to her through people, nature, synchronicity and signs. Daphneleah is grateful for all the people (divine helpers) that entered her life, loved her, and helped her. Her personal writing and poetry sustained her for decades. Her first book shares her experience and transformation, from narrow-minded, terrified young woman to an expanded, brave, mature, love-filled woman. She still resides in the City of Angels, teaching and creating, centered in love.

Much of Daphneleah's time is currently dedicated to completing her first nonfiction book. A tale declaring how being wrong saved her life. This account of Rightness chronicles how she left the drama behind and entered the world of good living. She shares her loves and joys along with the pain she experienced in her life journey that allowed her to awaken and love herself and others. She shares how science and love correlate and how we grow by availing ourselves to both.