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Divine Disneyland4/25/2017 Disneyland is a cherished spiritual place for me, I have experienced so many open hearted moments at the three of the Magic Kingdoms (Disneyland Resort, Disneyworld, Disneyland Paris,) and look forward to visiting Tokyo Disney Resort, Hong Kong Disneyland, Shanghai Disney Resort. Visiting the parks with a relaxed attitude, frequent breathing and focusing on the good are keys to enjoying the parks amidst the crowds and branding. The spiritual is noticed by focusing on people, emotions and slowing down. Enjoying what is before me I step out of the mundane and into the magic that is the Disney cast members and high incidence of serendipity. I usually always dressed in Disney apparel when visiting the parks but now that game has been enhanced with Disney bounding. Disney bounding originator, Leslie Kay, explains DisneyBounding as "finding a line where Disney and fashion collide." My daughter introduced me to this and we’ve been enjoying coming up with our own ideas as well the creativity of other Disney bounders. Although I would like to boast that many moons ago, my stepson did have us dress up as the characters from Robin Hood before going out to dinner. Just sayin’.
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She said, "thank you."4/19/2017 I finally remembered to take my recycling bags with me as I went for my walk. I began picking up litter along the road and in my beloved state park from a sense of altruism. On the third consecutive day of my green activism nature rewarded me with a star and ants. Yes. I was hiking along the trail just before dusk, tree branches caught my attention and I looked to the left. The small branches formed a star for my benefit. I looked away and when I returned my gaze to the magic occurring the branches undid themselves fluidly. There was reciprocity and respect in the act. She was saying thank you, and giving me a message to go deeper into my way of being, and stand in the strength of my being going forward. I continued on the dusty path and stopped abruptly as the ants made themselves known. What I learned from them is that I can’t control that which is larger than myself. Worrying about it won’t help anyone. What I can do is show up, work hard, communicate well, work well with others and be the best I can. I received nature’s gifts to me. In writing this post it occurred to me that David Sedaris, my superstar, is quite the anti-litterer. Litter removal may be considered an endeavor irrelevant to writing. Perhaps it's what confirms that one is a writer. That and the writing.